Watch a birds-eye view of the regeneration project at JAKEM FARM near Callington, South Australia. Planting was carried out over an 80Ha site with the aim to restore Peppermint Box Temperate Grassy Woodland and increase habitat for declining woodland bird species. This is the longer version of the video with additional footage of the area.
Over 30 flora species were planted including the threatened Silver Daisy Bush, Menzel’s Wattle & Resin Wattle. 300,000 plants recorded in direct seeding rows and 20,000 seedlings planted and guarded with Mallee Corflute tree guards.
This project was managed and delivered by the Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning Association (GWLAP) – gwlap.org.au
We recently donated some tree guards and landscape tools to help out the crew over at Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary with their restoration efforts. Here’s a short video of the Mallee Mesh tree guards being installed. Their ‘office’ looks like a nice place to work complete with inquisitive kangaroos, magpie geese and other native wildlife including of course their Platypus. If you’re in or visiting Adelaide be sure to visit: www.warrawongws.com.au
Watch our 2019 Arborgreen Landscape Products overview video. It features handheld footage and ‘birds eye’ drone footage from projects around our local area in the Adelaide Hills. It’s our first video to be rendered at 4K resolution; though not all content was filmed that resolution.
Uploaded 28 August 2019
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